Enjoy Your Quiet Nights Once More
Bat Removal
In our society, we don’t typically have good thoughts when it comes to bats. However, because they are sensitive to pollution, bats can be a sign of healthy environment. They also bring other benefits such as mosquito control. A typical bat diet consists mainly of mosquitoes as well as other insects such as beetles. A small bat can consume up to 1,200 mosquitoes in one hour! Having a bat around can be handy on a warm night in the Bahamas. A good number of other insects can also hear bats up to 100 ft away and will avoid that area completely.
Bats are exterminators at heart, and co-existing with them can provide benefits on both sides. Though for our own safety, this does not mean sleep in the same house. Bat guano or droppings can quickly become air borne, contaminating the air quality in your home.
Budget Pest Control uses extraction methods to completely remove bats from your living space and get the colonies to move to an environment more natural for them.